
Hugo Notes

I recently undertook the effort of moving my website from jekyll using jekyll-bootstrap to Hugo and I wanted to record some notes from my efforts. In particular I want to collect a set of useful links that helped me in making the switch. For what it’s worth, I greatly prefer Hugo now that I’ve gotten used to it, though there wasn’t too much broken about Jekyll. The most useful thing for developing my site was when I found the academic theme.

Submitting my first article to arXiv

Today I submitted a technical report done by my students over the last academic year. It took a while to get the write-up to the level of quality that I felt good about submitting it, but now that it’s there, I figured I should push it out. I used arXiv to post it since they make it easy to publish a technical report while not preventing you from submitting the work to another venue such as a conference or journal at a later date.

Jetson TK1 First Steps

I recently received my Jetson TK1 Development Board, which I’m evaluating for potential use in an embedded systems course next Spring. This board is attractive to me because it has a high-end quad core ARM A15 processor as well as a high-end mobile GPU with support for the latest OpenGL and CUDA development environments. This post is going to serve as a way for me to record the things needed to set up the device in the first place, and hopefully more posts will follow as I manage to develop some examples on the board that will hopefully turn into lab assignments for the class.

A Busy Semester

This semester has been extremely exciting. In particular, E85 has been updated from MIPS to use the ARM v7 instructions set. This has been a good experience for me despite some difficulties and a few moments of intensity where I wasn’t sure things would come together in time. In doing this, I’ve come to learn a lot about the ARM ISA, and I’ve decided I like it a lot. In particular, I think it strikes a reasonably good balance between RISC and CISC instructions where there are a couple nice addressing modes for stack manipulation that aren’t quite RISC, but are close enough.

Jekyll Bootstrap: rake post

I recently discovered a new feature that comes with Jekyll bootstrap, but I’m unsure whether it is only in JB, or if it comes by default with Jekyll. There is a Rakefile (which is sort of like a Makefile, but written in Ruby) that includes a few nice functions. The one I discovered most recently allows you to create a new blog post complete with the YAML frontmatter and the proper file name for Jekyll to do the right thing with.

New Year, New Website

I happened across [jekyll-bootstrap][] the other day, and I decided I should move my website to after seeing what jekyll can do. Among my favorite features are the ability to use markdown for web pages, which allows a reasonably good citation syntax for adding links to my co-authors. As an example, the following is the syntax for one paper along with the citations to my co-authors: