New Year, New Website

I happened across [jekyll-bootstrap][] the other day, and I decided I should move my website to after seeing what jekyll can do. Among my favorite features are the ability to use markdown for web pages, which allows a reasonably good citation syntax for adding links to my co-authors. As an example, the following is the syntax for one paper along with the citations to my co-authors:

1. [Daniel Kopta][dk], **[Josef Spjut][jbs]**, [Erik Brunvand][elb];
**Grid-Based Ray Tracing for a Parallel Computing Architecture**,
*High Performance Graphics (HPG'09)*, New Orleans, August 1-3, 2009.

The beauty of this is I now only need to update one spot if anyone changes their affiliation or home page. Awesome.

Conveniently, jekyll-bootstrap also gives all the niceness of twitter bootstrap, such as the decent template you now see (I hope to improve it to my liking more in the future). The main reason I chose the hooligan template is that it came with easy-to-use social media integration that you can see in the top right if you are looking at this webpage on a non-mobile browser.

As an added benefit, I can now easily post blog entries, and hook into Disqus for comments. Nice.

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