Interesting python style print in C++

I came across a really interesting piece of C++ code today hidden in this list of obscure C++ features. It includes an implementation of some of the print syntax functionality of python 2 implemented in C++. Here’s the code (copied here, but I’m not the original author):

#include <iostream>

namespace __hidden__ {
  struct print {
    bool space;
    print() : space(false) {}
    ~print() { std::cout << std::endl; }

    template <typename T>
    print &operator , (const T &t) {
      if (space) std::cout << ' ';
      else space = true;
      std::cout << t;
      return *this;

#define print __hidden__::print(),

int main() {
  int a = 1, b = 2;
  print "this is a test";
  print "the sum of", a, "and", b, "is", a + b;
  return 0;

While this implementation is interesting, it is missing what I think is the best feature of python print and that is the ability to use % to do C printf style printing. If I end up with a bundle of extra time, I might actually try adding that functionality, though it’s not immediately apparent to me how to overload an operator to take an arbitrarily sized list as input…

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